Wow--I have seriously neglected this website so let me catch you up: Although Charlie found even more damage in the kitchen beams and associated studs, he succeeded in jacking up the walls and replacing all beams in the foundation of the kitchen. The kitchen door now opens/closes perfectly due to leveling the beam and floor beneath the door. After replacing one of the windows in the kitchen and installing another window the State allowed us to add, Charlie used Advantech plywood for the subfloor in the kitchen and is almost ready to install the hardwood flooring over it.
Charlie replaced the mudroom door with a door and frame he received from Delphia McCarty. She is the very generous lady who allowed us to remove anything we wanted from an old house of hers in the Chancellor area before she has the house levelled. Her house was built around 1930 so while it is not quite as old as our house, we are grateful to her for the flooring, doors, windows, and frames she donated. Charlie is using a total of three of Delphia's doors. One for the pantry he will build in the mudroom, one for the mudroom door that leads to the yard on the side of the house, and one for the half bath he is installing in the mudroom so there is a bathroom on both sides of the house.
Charlie has also run electric and plumbing to the mudroom and kitchen and after the next inspection from the County, he will get moving on the installation of the flooring. .I am pushing him a little harder than usual so that I can cook Thanksgiving dinner in our new kitchen!
We have had to have the compressor associated with the downstairs heat pump replaced and a fan motor replaced on the unit in the crawl space but aside from those repairs, the heat is working well and the house is very comfortable. Charlie and I are amazed that we have actually filled this house with furniture---I don't know how it all fit in the old house!
The next plan of action is for me to get back to painting the rooms that still need paint, have the one fireplace that isn't bricked in inspected so we may use it if we lose power over the winter; install the flooring in the kitchen, and plug any more holes in this old house with insulation to block the drafts. Chas is happy in his attic but he is BEGGING Charlie to insulate the attic NOW so it can be heated and cooled. I tell Chas to wait his turn----we need our kitchen first!!! More later....
Charlie replaced the mudroom door with a door and frame he received from Delphia McCarty. She is the very generous lady who allowed us to remove anything we wanted from an old house of hers in the Chancellor area before she has the house levelled. Her house was built around 1930 so while it is not quite as old as our house, we are grateful to her for the flooring, doors, windows, and frames she donated. Charlie is using a total of three of Delphia's doors. One for the pantry he will build in the mudroom, one for the mudroom door that leads to the yard on the side of the house, and one for the half bath he is installing in the mudroom so there is a bathroom on both sides of the house.
Charlie has also run electric and plumbing to the mudroom and kitchen and after the next inspection from the County, he will get moving on the installation of the flooring. .I am pushing him a little harder than usual so that I can cook Thanksgiving dinner in our new kitchen!
We have had to have the compressor associated with the downstairs heat pump replaced and a fan motor replaced on the unit in the crawl space but aside from those repairs, the heat is working well and the house is very comfortable. Charlie and I are amazed that we have actually filled this house with furniture---I don't know how it all fit in the old house!
The next plan of action is for me to get back to painting the rooms that still need paint, have the one fireplace that isn't bricked in inspected so we may use it if we lose power over the winter; install the flooring in the kitchen, and plug any more holes in this old house with insulation to block the drafts. Chas is happy in his attic but he is BEGGING Charlie to insulate the attic NOW so it can be heated and cooled. I tell Chas to wait his turn----we need our kitchen first!!! More later....