I've told Charlie at least 15 times since we began this adventure that I couldn't wait to look out one of the windows and see tons of deer. Well, I got my wish today with a twist. Chas, Lauren, and Rachel were with us at the house this evening around 5:30 when Charlie looks out the kitchen window where he was working and notices several deer grazing in the back yard. He calls to me and says, "babe, your deer are here". Immediately, all three kids rush toward the window making all kinds of ridiculous noises of excitement (something not quite as loud as screaming). Mind you, it's not as if our kids have never seen deer---they cruise through our yard every now and then at our current residence. Charlie then tries shushing the kids while they jockey for position at the window---and as soon as I can get a look for myself--what do I see? Twelve deer and at least half of them are looking back at us--probably thinking, "what in the world is all that noise?"
Hello all, we are very happy to report that the main roof will be replaced within the next couple of weeks barring bad weather. We also thought it might be easier to follow the changes (illustrated with new photos) to the different rooms in the house if the rooms are named. The easiest way for me to keep it straight is to name the rooms for how they will be used and then make sure each new picture is captioned with the name of the room. I've also added a link to the King George Historical Society---they will hold their annual picnic at Cleydael in June!
Hello all! Plans to have the main roof replaced are well under way. Top priorities aside from the roof include rebuilding the bathrooms and the kitchen. We originally planned to demolish the kitchen and "mudroom" and build new (we expected approval from the State as the kitchen is not part of the original structure) but the appraisal came in so low that the money required to make up the difference cost us our new kitchen. Charlie and the boys now plan to rebuild the kitchen and mudroom inside the framing that currently exists. We have invited all who wish to take a look to stop by -- we plan to be there most weekends and Charlie will be there during the day on some week days. The front and back porches also have sections that have to be replaced. We expect to move in sometime in May....